Success Stories
Alex’s Story

We were so fortunate to learn about Conductive Education when Alex was a baby ….. but it was a long wait and lots of work before we finally got to benefit first-hand how great this programme is. Alex was three years old before we were seen briefly by a Conductor visiting New Zealand – but within a week he was standing with sticks! That was a dream come true for us. When Conductive Education Canterbury began providing services – Alex was five years old and by the time he was six he had learnt to walk independently. Conductors have worked to teach Alex many skills which we had thought were not possible – just goes to show what motivation and perseverance can achieve!
Alex is now an adult who is living with support in his own place with a flatmate. Don’t get us wrong, his disability still impacts on all facets of his life – but actually he has a great life. We know in our hearts that the life Alex has today is a direct reflection of the skills and the “can do” attitude that he developed through Conductive Education. The programme’s focus on independence is so practical and has really impacted on the choices that we were able to make with Alex as an adult.
Alex still attends the Adult Conductive Education Trust every week. He looks forward to the time that he spends at ACET – catching up with people that he has known for almost 30 years socially as well as maintaining his physical wellbeing. When Alex turned 18, he fell off the radar of the hospital system, even though his complex physical needs continue to change as he ages. To have a Conductor monitoring Alex is a huge weight off our minds – we are parents – not specialists.
We are incredibly grateful for the support and opportunities that ACET provides Alex.
Sally and Greg Thomas